
For organisations involved in a transaction or a dispute, or embarking on a restructuring, the value of the business involved and its assets will be an important commercial consideration. A robust and reasoned opinion on value is essential. For litigants, a professional valuation is often the key to securing a fair settlement.

Our valuation team has extensive industry knowledge, international reach and technical expertise. Our specialists provide expert advice in the following areas:

Transactions: An independent view on value for mergers, acquisitions, restructuring and proposed financial structures, delivering robust advice within the constraints placed by the deal deadlines.

Tax: Our team provide third-party valuations to enable directors to meet their fiduciary duties and to support proposed tax treatments.

Financial reporting: We assist on regulatory and accounting matters, with advice on valuations required by Accounting Standards, including purchase price allocation, impairment testing and valuation of financial instruments including share options and other derivatives.

Dispute resolution: We offer dispute resolution services and work with forensic investigators, providing valuation advice within the field of dispute resolution, litigation support and expert valuations.

Fund administration: Our specialists provide third-party valuations for investment funds to support periodic reporting of net asset values or to enable the transfer of assets.

Valuations to support asset-backed lending decisions: We provide valuations to support asset-backed financing, including valuing shares and intangible assets, and provide periodic valuations of assets to confirm that the terms of the loan agreement continue to be met.