
The purpose of a secondment may be to deploy a member of staff with particular skills and abilities to undertake a particular project and job, or to cover a period of maternity leave or sickness absence. The secondment may also be considered to be an opportunity for an individual to acquire skills or experience which will benefit their employing department upon their return.


  • temporary vacancy position need to be supported by a temporary qualified staff
  • saving salary costs including statutory insurances and personal income tax
  • knowledge transfer and training courses from secondment
  • having a support team from a professional firm during secondment
  • clear responsibilities and jobs description

How Grant Thornton can help:

  1. Grant Thornton can provide qualified staffs for many positions from low to high grade for the requested period.
  2. We have a support team for secondment positions with high qualification.
  3. We can support you in reducing your administrative costs in recruitment, statutory insurances and personal income tax.
Le Minh Thang
Partner, Head of Business Process Solutions
Le Minh Thang