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Doing Business Guide

Doing Business in Vietnam 2012

Vietnam is a unique country providing extensive opportunities for those willing to spend time to understand the market. Although not without its problems, Vietnam’s economy continues to expand and modernise, and with the opening up of previously restricted industries and sectors, to meet their WTO
commitments, more opportunities continue to develop.

Grant Thornton Vietnam has prepared this guide to assist those interested in doing business in Vietnam. This guide does not cover the subject exhaustively.
However, it is intended to answer some of the more important broad generic questions that may arise. When specific problems occur in practice, it will often
be necessary to refer to the laws and regulations of Vietnam and to obtain the appropriate professional advice. This guide contains only brief notes and
includes legislation in force as of 20 February 2012.

We hope this guide helps you in learning about and understanding business in Vietnam. Should you require professional assistance we will be only too willing to
meet you to see if we can help.