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Business Pandemic Resilience Diagnostic 2020

Grant Thornton Vietnam releases results of Business Pandemic Resilience Diagnostic

Grant Thornton Vietnam, in partnership with enablecode and TRG, have released the initial report with results of the Business Pandemic Resilience Diagnostic, based on a survey conducted earlier this year.  The diagnostic rated the business resilience of each participating company in the Covid-19 pandemic environment, and analyzed factors of resilience along key aspects of business operations – finance, supply and demand, external factors, and digitization.  The findings, based on data, not on expert opinion, were sometimes expected and sometimes surprising!  Findings included:

  • Technology, Retail, and Fast Moving Consumer Goods were the most resilience sectors, and real estate and hospitality the least resilient
  • State Owned Enterprises were more resilient then foreign invested and private Vietnamese companies, but listed companies were less resilient
  • Business resilience is highly correlated with level of digitization
  • 56% of companies experience a negative impact of higher than 20% of earnings, and only 19% of companies experienced an impact lower than 10%

Companies who participated in the survey will receive a custom report with their individual resilience rating benchmarked against peers in their industry, and with recommendations to improve their resilience based on an assessment of their responses.

A download of the executive summary of the Business Pandemic Resilience Diagnostic is available to the public. Watch this space for more in-depth analytical reports, and for the announcement of Webinars on this topic.

For the executive summary of the report, please click here.

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